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2022 Albert Bandura

2022 Albert Bandura

2022 Albert Bandura

About Albert

Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award for significant lifelong contributions to the field of self-directed learning

2022 Professor Albert Bandura

International Society for Self-Directed Learning

David Starr Jordan Professor of Social Science (Emeritus), Stanford University, 1925–2021

“Development of capabilities for self-directedness enables individuals not only to continue their intellectual growth beyond their formal education but to advance the nature and quality of their life pursuits. Changing realities are placing a premium on the capability for self-directed learning throughout the life span. The rapid pace of technological change and the accelerated growth of knowledge require continual upgrading of competencies if people are to survive and prosper…. Self-development with age partly determines whether the expanded life span is lived self-fulfillinglyor apathetically”
(Albert Bandura, 1997, Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control, p. 227)

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Born December 4, 1925, in Mundare, Alberta, Canada
Married Virginia (“Ginny”) in 1952
Children: Mary (b. 1954) and Carol (b. 1958)
Passed: July 26, 2021, in Stanford, California

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

BA (1949), University of British Columbia
MA (1951) and PhD (1952), University of Iowa

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Honorary Degrees (19)
University of British Columbia (1979)
University of Lethbridge (1983)
University of New Brunswick (1985)
State University of New York-Stony Brook (1987)
University of Waterloo (1990)
Freie Universitat Berlin (1990)
University of Salamanca (1992)
Indiana University (1993)
University of Rome, “La Sapienza” (1994)
Leiden University (1995)
Alfred University (1995)
Pennsylvania State University (1999)
Universitat Jaume (2002)
Graduate Center of the City University of New York (2002)
University of Athens (2003)
University of Catania (2004)
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (2009)
University of Alberta (2010)
University of Ottawa (2013)

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Select Awards
Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, American
 Psychological Association (APA; 1980)
Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1980)
Scientific Achievement Award, Soc. of Behav. Medicine (1986)
William James Award, American Psychological Soc. (APS; 1989)
Elected to the National Academy of Medicine (1989)
Lifetime Contributions Award, California Psych. Assoc. (1998)
Thorndike Award, APA (1999)
Lifetime Achievement Award, Western Psych. Assoc. (2003)
James McKeen Cattell Award, APS (2004)
Gold Medal Award, American Psychological Foundation (2006)
Order of Canada, Governor General of Canada (2015)
National Medal of Science, U.S. President Obama (2016)

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

2016 National Medal of Science

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Books Written
Adolescent Aggression (1959)
Social Learning Through Imitation (1962)
Social Learning & Personality Development (1963), with
 R. H. Walters
Principles of Behavior Modification (1969)
Psychological Modeling: Conflicting Theories (1971)
Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis (1973)
Analysis of Delinquency and Aggression (1976), with
 E. Ribes-Inesta
Social Learning Theory (1977)
Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive
Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control (1997)
Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live With

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
Spear, G. (1988). Beyond the organizing circumstance: A search for methodology for the study of self-directed learning. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Self-directed learning: Application & theory (pp. 199–221). Adult Education Department of the University of Georgia.
Penland, P. R. (1988). Self-directed learning and natural language processing. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Self-directed learning: Application & theory (pp. 223–251). Adult Education Department of the University of Georgia.
Gerstner, L. S. (1990). On the theme and variation of self-directed learning. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Advances in research and practice in self-directed learning (pp. 67–92). Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education of the University of Oklahoma.

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
Loving, G. L. (1992). Educational context, motivational orientation and cognitive flexibility in undergraduate nursing education. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Self-directed learning: Application and research (pp. 265–286). Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education of the University of Oklahoma.
Courtney, S., & Rahe, S. (1992). Dimensions of self-directed learning in personal change: The case of weight loss. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Self-directed learning: Application and research (pp. 355–380). Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education of the University of Oklahoma.
Jones, J. E. (1994). Self-confidence and self-directed learning: An overview from social-cognitive psychology. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), New ideas about self-directed learning (pp. 23–38). Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education of the University of Oklahoma.

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
Padberg, L. F. (1994). The organizing circumstance revised: Environmentally structured learning projects among adults with low formal education. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), New ideas about self-directed learning (pp. 93–110). Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education of the University of Oklahoma.
Bouchard, P. (1994). Self-directed professionals and autodidactic choice. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), New ideas about self-directed learning (pp. 121–137). Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education of the University of Oklahoma.
Jones, J. E. (1995). Using private speech to promote self-directed learning systems. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), New dimensions in self-directed learning (pp. 61–72). Public Managers Center, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
Bloyd, R., Hoban, G., & Wall, A. D. (1995). Self-efficacy and the adult learner: Implications for the teaching of writing. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), New dimensions in self-directed learning (pp. 197–215). Public Managers Center, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.
Wall, A. D., Sersland, C. J., & Hoban, G. (1996). The adult learner’s self-efficacy, readiness for self-directed learning, and gender: Implication for math performance. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Current developments in self-directed learning (pp. 107–125). Public Managers Center, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.
Baveye, P. (1996). Approaches to the stimulation of autodidactic competence in university settings: Learning contracts and tutorials. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Current developments in self-directed learning (pp. 157–175). Public Managers Center, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
Allen, A. (1997). Self-directed learning in professional education: Guided self-assessment as a tool to facilitate self-directed learning of medical students. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Expanding horizons in self-directed learning (pp. 53–68). Public Managers Center, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.
Hoban, G., & Sersland, C. J. (1997). Self-directed learning in mathematics – An impossibility at the middle school? In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Expanding horizons in self-directed learning (pp. 223–241). Public Managers Center, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.
Hoban, G., & Sersland, C. J. (1998). Self-directed learning, learned or unlearned? In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Developing paradigms for self-directed learning (pp. 107–124). Public Managers Center, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
Hoban, G., & Sersland, C. J. (1999). Developing learning plans for adult learners – Can self-efficacy predict a readiness for self-directed learning? In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Contemporary ideas and practices in self-directed learning (pp. 49–61). Public Managers Center, College of Education, University of Oklahoma.
Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., & Confessore, G. J. (2000). Learning conation: A psychological perspective of personal initiative and resourcefulness. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Practice & theory in self-directed learning (pp. 65–82). Motorola University Press.
Hoban, G., & Sersland, C. J. (2000). Why assessing self-efficacy for self-directed learning should be used to assist adult students in becoming self-directed learners. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Practice & theory in self-directed learning (pp. 83–96). Motorola University Press.

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
Plowman, T. S. (2000). Prerequisites to self-directed learning: Motivation as a precursor to initiative in young learners. In H. B. Long and Associates (Eds.), Practice & theory in self-directed learning (pp. 115–129). Motorola University Press.

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Works Cited In
17% of all articles/briefs published in the International Journal of Self-Directed Learning (2004–2021)

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Grandpa Prof. Albert Bandura

2022 Malcolm Knowles Memorial Award

Choice Filled Lives

Silver Sponsor

Copyright (c) International Society of Self-Directed Learning

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